
Vladimir Putin, Elton John Will Meet To Discuss Gay Right

Elton John requested a meeting with Vladimir Putin to discuss gay rights, and to the music icon's surprise, the Russian president agreed to it.

The Russian government has struggled with taking action against violence toward homosexuals at a time when attacks toward all minorities are prevalent, according to the Human Rights Watch.

John decided to request a meeting with Putin regarding these issues, albeit thinking that "he may laugh behind my back... and call me an absolute idiot."

"I'd probably not [change his mind], but I'll have a go! I'd love to meet him, I'd love to sit down with him and talk to him," John said, according to BBC News. "It's probably pie in the sky... but if I meet him and say 'Let's have a cup of tea and talk about this.'"

"I would tell him gay people are not the problem of the world. [I'd say] be accepting, let's all pull together to solve the problems of the world - but don't isolate and don't be prejudiced against gay people," John said, Metro UK reported.

"I like the Russians. When I went there in 1979, I was astonished how friendly and kind and lovely they were, and that's probably the only power I have - to use my fame and fortune to bring people together through music, and to then try and use the message of peace and acceptance and inclusion afterwards in my older age."

John is presently in Ukraine where he was able to meet with Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko where he raised awareness so stronger support can be given to the country's LGBT community.

Gay rights, Russia, Petro Poroshenko, LGBT Community
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