Liverpool NEWS: Steven Gerrard, Club Called Out For Racism Against Black Players

Steven Gerrard and Liverpool are being accused of racist comments against former teammate El-Hadji Diouf and other black players, according to Bleacher Report. The accusation that carries a lot of weight, especially with the world of soccer, where racists comments are not tolerated.

Gerrard wrote a book recently titled "My Story." In it, he talked about his journey through the world of soccer and the many experiences he encountered along the way. One point of the book struck a nerve of Diouf, who made quick work to bring Gerrard's comments to light. Gerrard made mention in his book that he liked Diouf "the least" of his former teammates at Liverpool. Noting that Diouf never "showed a real interest in football."

Diouf wasted no time responding to the accusation from Gerrard by issuing a statement.

"Everybody could see how [Gerrard] made life difficult for Mario Balotelli at Liverpool. I warned him beforehand. Liverpool is not a club that welcomes black players unless they are English-but if they are not they don't stand a chance. It is common knowledge that Gerrard has never liked blacks. When I was at Liverpool I showed him that I was black, I wasn't English, and I wasn't going to take any nonsense. He never dared look me in the eye all the time I was at the club" stated Diouf.

With racism being such a hot topic in soccer, it is no wonder that Diouf brought it into play, especially with Balotelli being brought into the mix. Balotelli has received multiple comments from fans about his race and has taken it hard at times because of comments thrown his way.

The comments made by Diouf were quickly dismissed by Liverpool and Gerrard, according to The Sun. Diouf went on to say that he believed Gerrard was jealous of all his success in the soccer world and that is why Gerrard "attacked" him in his book.

Both players need to step away from the situation and know that nothing was meant by Gerrard's comments. This latest Liverpool news certainly raised some eyebrows, but it is nothing of major concern moving forward for the club or Gerrard.
