Blackberry Pulls Back Global Launch of BBM for iOS and Android

Blackberry stalled the launch of its BBM on iOS and Android this weekend due to a fake Android BBM app that was posted online prior to the release of the official version. The BBM rolled out for iOS users Sunday, was put on hold after a couple of hours. Blackberry released a statement saying that the Android and iOS holders will have to wait some more time to receive the BBM.

The Canadian telecommunication company issued a statement over its Facebook fan page thanking the BBM followers who had patiently waited for months to receive the BBM and requested them to be a bit more patient and wait a few more days to finally try out the official BBM app on their Android and iOS phones. "Thanks for your patience. Working hard to get you the real BBM ASAP. We'll let you know when it's live."

Blackberry declared Thursday that it will be bringing BBM across other leading platforms by this weekend. A fake BBM app for the Android holders acted as a spoiler with more than eight million users downloading the app in the next eight hours. The incident heavily affected the BBM server and the company had to resolve technical glitches all day long due to the heavy traffic for the fake app.

"Prior to launching BBM for Android, an unreleased version of the BBM for Android app was posted online, " reads an official Blackberry post. "The interest and enthusiasm we have seen already - more than 1.1 million active users in the first 8 hours without even launching the official Android app - is incredible. Consequently, this unreleased version caused issues, which we have attempted to address."

The iOS users who all have downloaded the app can continue using it but the Android app has been disabled for now. Blackberry tweeted Sunday, "We will provide you an update on timing as soon as we can. Teams are working non-stop."

The Android users don't seem to be happy with the sudden halt on the official BBM app release. One of the users tweeted back, Delay as much as u can @BBM all the excitement is over."

Delay as much as u can @BBM all the excitement is over! #bbm4android #BBM4ALL

- YASEEN THEBA (@yaseentheba) September 23, 2013

Blackberry, Pulls, Back, Global, Launch, BBM, Ios, Android