McDonald's Ground Chicken Burger Hitting Stores

McDonald's has launched a burger unlike any it has released before. The fast-food chain is doing something unexpected, launching a ground chicken burger, according to Business Insider. The new burger is made from a mix of white and dark meat chicken and can be ordered in two varieties. The first variety is "classic," and the second variety is "tangy." Both varieties contain 390 to 400 calories.

But don't get too excited yet, as it might take some time for the burger to reach McDonald's restaurants throughout the country.

While the new item is expected to be nearly as popular as its signature Big Mac, it is only currently being sold to Tampa Bay, Fla., customers, according to the Daily Mail.

The burger was released in all 200 Tampa Bay locations on Monday, having been created by Blake Casper, the owner of 50 McDonald's restaurants in the area, according to the Daily Mail. The burger took a year and a half to perfect, and he hopes it'll help customers see McDonald's differently.

"It's a product that may cause people to think about McDonald's in a different way. Ultimately, anyone that likes a good burger is our target for this product," Casper said in an interview, according to the Consumerist.

Mcdonald's, Big mac, Florida