Woman, Puppy Who Both Lost An Eye Find Family In Each Other

"I adopted Bear the same day. I couldn't let him sit in the vet's office one more night. I knew he needed to be home, and loved on by his human," Williamson said.

Bear showed more energy and enthusiasm in his new home. The puppy is still healing and is prohibited from going out. He entertains himself by chewing anything he finds.

"He's so perfect! I know his struggles and I know what he is going through,'" Williamson said.

Williamson is also recovering. The authorities believe that the shooting resulted from an attempted car-jacking. Six suspects have been arrested.

The staff of Mellow Mushroom, the pizza joint where Williamson works as a server, is fundraising to help her with her medical expenses.

"Like me, he is a survivor," Williamson said. "We are not victims, we are survivors who get to share our story."

Pet adoption