Shelly Cawley Woken From Coma By Infant Daughter's Cry

It seems that in the case of Shelly Cawley, a 23-year-old mother who had fallen into a comatose state while giving birth to her daughter, Rylan, in Sept. 2014, miralces do come true.

Shelly had fallen into a coma during a C-section birthing at North Carolina's Medical Center-NorthEast.

"I clearly remember laying on the stretcher to take me back to the operating room and I was crying. I was telling the doctors that I was scared that I wasn't going to wake up from my surgery. Which is kind of eerie to look back on because I was right," she said, according to USA Today.

The coma was induced because of a blood clot that was released into her bloodstream during her emergency C-section, and she was immediately put on a ventilator.

Her husband, Jeremy Cawley, opened up about his emotions during this traumatic event.

"The idea of going from the highest of emotions of having a child born - to the next moments where you think you're going to be saying goodbye to your wife within four or five hours. I was numb," he said. "She had a lot of fluid in her lungs, they were having trouble getting oxygen to her brain, they were having trouble getting her blood pressure up and it just seemed as if she was done fighting."

However, the story took a remarkable turn in events.

"The nurses instructed us to strip the baby down and put her skin-to-skin with Shelly. Their hope was that if Shelly could smell the baby, feel the baby, hear the baby - even in the coma - it would give her a reason to fight," he said, reported Washington Post.

As soon as doctors placed Rylan into Shelly's arms, her baby began to calm down and fall asleep, peacefully. This wasn't what the nurses desired, they wanted her to also make noises. As soon as Rylan began to laugh and cry they saw that the monitor hooked up to Shelly began to spike - she was able to hear her daughter.

A short week later, Shelly woke up and was able to finally see and meet her newborn daughter.

Rylan turned one last week and Shelly posted a wonderful message on Facebook, reported Fox2Now.

"What a difference a year makes! Last year I was fighting for my life, and this year I have a 1 year old who is thriving, and I am back in nursing school doing what I love. Satan tried to take me down, but thanks to our mighty God and all of you amazing prayer warriors, what could have been an end to my life has just been a bump in the road on my journey! Can't wait to discover what God has planned for my life, and to just enjoy the ride on the way there!" she said.