Marco Rubio Aide Allegedly Punches Rand Paul Aide In Bar Confrontation

The Mackinac Island police department in Michigan is currently investigating a bar fight that took place Thursday night and was allegedly between top aides for two Republican primary candidates, according to CNN.

John Yob, who works for Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), spoke of the incident on Facebook. He said that he was hit by Rich Beeson, deputy campaign manager for Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), in a Mackinac Island bar. "I didn't even know who it was at first because he isn't relevant in our political world...he literally physically assaulted me by punching me in the face," Yob said on Facebook.

Yob says that he has a video of the incident that he gave to CNN, which could not "independently confirm" that Beeson was the man in the video. Yob is interested in pressing charges against Beeson.

Many Republican candidates and their staff were in town Thursday night for the GOP Mackinac Conference, The Washington Post reported. "We're aware of the media reports and seeking more information about what happened," Rubio spokesperson Alex Conant said. The Rand campaign has not offered comment on the incident.

Security footage from the bar seems to show the punch taking place, according to The Guardian. "If anything, it was a shove. Literally, it was a shove. This thing has been blown way, way, way out of proportion," Mackinac Island police chief Brett Riccinto said.

Michigan, Candidates, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Facebook, Cnn, Republican
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