New Hampshire Democratic Convention Filled With Shouts For More Debates

The New Hampshire Democrats state convention meeting on Saturday was drowned in cries for more debates from the presidential contenders.

People started chanting "More Debates!" when guest speaker Debbie Wasserman Schultz, head of the Democratic National Committee, went on stage to speak.

The DNC has granted six democratic debates, four of which will be held before the first nominating contest in Iowa.

At first, Wasserman Schultz ignored the shouts. When she finally acknowledged the crowd, she said, "C'mon folks, we are all on the same side, so let's make sure we focus on the Republicans," Washington Post reports.

Most of the chants came from an area set for the non-delegate section - people who paid to attend but are not delegates to the convention, according to CNN.

Some protesters wore Bernie Sander shirts, while others were holding yellow and orange signs, written on which are calls for more debates.

A group called NHDP Convention Action supported the call for more debates. Republicans have already had two debates, and have seven more scheduled, and the limited debates set by the Democrats, the group claims, is wrongly allowing Republicans more television time.

They also question the schedules of the debates, which they believe are biased to the benefit of only one candidate and a detriment to the rest, The Wall Street Journal reports.

Democratic National Committee, Us, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Democrats, Republicans