'Fresh Off The Boat' Star Randall Park Talks Season Two Pressure And Getting Margaret Cho To Guest Star [EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW]

"Fresh Off the Boat" quickly sailed into Americans' hearts when it premiered this past February, and the show hopes to have continued success as it returns for its second season on Sept. 22, on ABC.

Based on chef Eddie Huang's memoir, the series follows the Huangs; an Asian-American family whose lives are uprooted when dad Louis (Randall Park) relocates wife Jessica (Constance Wu) and their three boys from Washington, D.C., to Orlando, Fla., in an effort to follow his American dream - taking over a Cattleman's Ranch Steakhouse franchise.

Set in 1995 and told through the eyes their eldest son Eddie (Hudson Yang), "Fresh Off The Boat" was hailed for its diversity as the first American sitcom to feature an Asian-American family since 1994, when Margaret Cho's "All American Girl" premiered, creating a little pressure for its cast.

"The fact that it's been 20 years since an Asian-American was allowed to be a lead on a network show, that in and of itself is a type of pressure," Wu told Headlines & Global News and other reporters this summer. "Usually you see a lot of Asians on TV, but they're always supporting the white person's story. Because they're supporting another person's story, they're often not as complex characters, so I felt pressure in terms of - I think there are a lot of people who were like, cringing."

"I definitely felt the pressure," added co-star Randall Park. Especially after we shot the season and the show was about to come out, I mean, there was this big, like, how will people react in general, but also, how will the Asian community react? "

Thankfully for all involved, the response was overwhelming and ABC committed to a second season, premiering tonight.

"I was really just so happy that it seemed to be really embraced by the community and outside of the community, ads Park. "It just seemed to be like the response to it has been really overwhelmingly positive."

One person to also embrace the show is the original "All American Girl," Cho herself. "Fresh Off the Boat" paid homage to her series in the first season, and while there are no firm plans for an appearance, a source close to the comedian tells HNGN exclusively, "Margaret loves the show and can't wait to make an appearance."

HNGN caught up exclusively with Park to get scoop on the new season and how he's dealing with his ever-growing TV sons.

In a dream world what would you like to see happen in Season 2?

I feel that we did a lot of cultural issues in the first season that I felt were important. I hope we continue to touch on those here and there, but not too political. My hope is to just see the family continue to go through their family adventures, their journey, in different ways. In ways that other people can identify with as well as ways that are very specific to our family. Basically just keep doing what we're doing.

How would you rate the first show of the new season?

It's perfect, the perfect way back in.

How has the reaction been from people you've met?

Oh gosh, fans of the show are very into it. I feel like at least the people that come up to me, they are very enthusiastic about the show. They can quote lines and are super into it. That has been really nice.

Is it a culturally diverse group of people talking to you about the show?

For sure! That's been really special because our goal from the beginning was to appeal to everybody, and we have. I mean Asians know about the show for sure, but that's because Asians know about every Asian on TV [laughs]. To get so many different people and cultures from across the board, there's something about the show that speaks to everyone.

Would you like to see Margaret Cho to the show?

That would be incredible. I heard rumblings of that early on, but I don't know... I really hope that could happen, as it would be incredible.

Have you met her?

I have and she is a hero of mine to this day. She's doing such great work.

Have you had feedback from her?

I know she is a strong supporter of the show and has tweeted about it. She's a big part of why the show exists, so to get that support from her means everything.

The boys have grown so much in just one season. How are you dealing with that?

I know! The first season was shot before any of them aired, I feel like we were done in December last year so it's been 6 months since I've really seen anyone. I saw Forrest during the break here and there, and they have definitely grown but it hasn't been a shock after seeing them around. But Hudson lived in New York, so I didn't see him, and he's the one who grew the most. I swear to God, if we get another season he's going to be taller than me.

How will you deal with that on the show?

Apple boxes? I swear I'll have to stand on Apple boxes - that's the only answer.

"Fresh Off the Boat" will premiere tonight, Sept. 22 at 8:30 p.m. (after "The Muppets" debut) on ABC.

ABC, Margaret Cho