Art Garfunkel: Muslims Are Changing Europe, Warns Of Migration's Impact

Art Garfunkel, half of the legendary duo Simon & Garfunkel alongside Paul Simon, is worried that the influx of Muslim migrants in Europe can permanently change the the makeup of the continent.

"We are at a very interesting stage right now, where people are escaping from horrendous situations all over the world," the 73-year-old singer told The Daily Mail earlier this week. "There was a book I read recently, called 'Reflections Of The Revolution In Europe,' where the author wants you to say: 'Look at the shopkeepers, look at the dry cleaners, and it's all turning Islamic.' 'He is saying: 'Look, I'm not going to make any judgments about this, but I want you Europeans to see that the changing face of Britain, of Germany and all over Europe is happening. It's becoming much more Muslim. These are the facts.'"

In the 2009 book, author Christopher Caldwell "argues that mass immigration by Muslims is altering the culture of Europe because of their reluctance to join the culture of their new homelands. He claims Muslims do not so much enhance European culture as supplant it, and are 'patiently conquering Europe's cities, street by street,'" The Daily Mail reported.

According to The Daily Mail: "Caldwell says it's 'chilling' that Europeans can't have an open debate about the issue because any criticism of Islam is branded Islamophobic. He predicts that Britain is most susceptible to violence and political extremism."

Garfunkel told the publication that he understands the migrants' journey after his recent "epic walk around Europe," The Daily Mail reported.

"The amount of movement and change is extraordinary," he said. "Taking those long walks around Europe, I get down into it - I'm engaged."

Garfunkel made headlines in May when he called Simon a "monster" and said he was an "idiot" and a "jerk" to walk away from their partnership, as previously reported by HNGN.

Europe, Migration, Paul Simon