Blood Moon 2015: Sign Of Doomsday?

The "blood moon" lunar eclipse that is set to take place on Sept. 28 has sparked a surge of rumors pointing to the end of the world, according to The Times of Israel.

The day marks the fourth lunar eclipse in the last two years, which is known as a tetrad, and will also fall on the first night of Sukkot, a Jewish holiday. Some Christians are pointing to a passage from the Book of Joel as proof that the event is the sign of the beginning of doomsday.

"The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord comes," the passage reads.

Blood moons are the results of full lunar eclipses, which causes the sun's rays to look blood-like in appearance when they make their way through the earth's atmosphere.

Pastor John Hagee states that connecting blood moons with tragedy is a historical pattern that has been seen throughout Jewish history, according to Inquisitr.

"There's a sense in the world that things are changing and God is trying to communicate with us in a supernatural way," Hagee said. "I believe that in these next two years, we're going to see something dramatic happen in the Middle East involving Israel that will change the course of history in the Middle East and impact the whole world."

Despite fears, NASA has dismissed the possibility of any sort of cataclysmic catastrophes being linked to the celestial event, according to Newsmax.

Blood, Moon, Blood Moon, Lunar Eclipse, Jew, Jewish, Israel, Sun, Nasa, God, History, Earth