
Texting Zones to Be Created on New York State Highways

Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York City, is working hard to bring down accidents in the city. Governor Cuomo announced Monday that 91 Texting Zones will be created along the State Highways allowing motorists to stop and text instead of doing it while driving.

According to the new proposition, the drivers will only be permitted to text in the Texting Zones . There will be signboards across the roads notifying the motorists of the next Zone and if anyone is caught texting midway he or she will be charged a heavy penalty.

"New York State is continuing to use every tool at its disposal to combat texting-while-driving.In addition to tougher penalties, new detection methods for State Police and ongoing public outreach efforts, we are now launching special Texting Zones to allow motorists to pull over and use their phones," said Governor Cuomo in a press statement . "These Zones will be identified with signs along the Thruway and State Highways, reminding drivers that there is a nearby opportunity for them to legally and safely use their phone. With this new effort, we are sending a clear message to drivers that there is no excuse to take your hands off the wheel and eyes off the road because your text can wait until the next Texting Zone."

There will be 298 sign boards installed on the state highways directing the drivers to 91 Texting Zones. The existing Park-n-Ride facilities, rest stops, and parking areas will be complementing these Texting Zones adding a dual safety layer to the new initiative. The sign boards will be displaying cautionary messages for the motorists alongside stating miles for the next Texting Zone.

Tickets (21580) raised against distracted drivers by the New York Police in 2013 has increased by 365 percent compared to last year (5208). The fines have been hike up to $150 by the governor as a deterrent. Firs time offenders caught texting while driving will be paying a maximum $150 fine. If found committing the offense for the second time within the next 18 months they will be charged $200 and the third time repetition may lead up to a $400 fine, reports Mashable.

"We are always looking at new and better ways to make the highway even safer, and Governor Cuomo's Text Stops initiative is an excellent way for drivers to stay in touch while recognizing the dangers of using mobile devices while driving," said Thomas J. Madison, executive director of Thruway Authority.

Texting, New, York, State, Drivers, Accidents
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