Mom Buys Coffee For Women Who Insulted Her To Set Example For Daughter

A mom set a strong example for everyone who learned about her story, after she reportedly bought coffee for the women who insulted her as she was waiting in line at Tim Hortons in Fort Gratiot, Mich.

In an interview with ABC's Detroit affiliate WXYZ, Dianne Hoffmeyer recalled that she was at the coffee shop last Monday with her 22-month-old daughter when two middle-aged women who were standing behind her on the line began to make disparaging remarks about her appearance.

"'Oh look at her hair! I's nasty looking, and the roots are coming through,'" she recalled the women saying. "'Oh she's a whale, oh the whale needs to eat.'"

Hoffmeyer noted that when the women saw that she had ordered a cappucino, one of the women said: "'Oh, even the whale needs to have liquids. Maybe she should go back into the water.'"

Those words were particularly hurtful to her because she had just lost 177 pounds.

"I just instantly started to cry because it hurts," Hoffmeyer told WXYZ. "I don't know the women. I've never seen them, met them and I don't know why they would choose to say something like that."

However, instead of lowering herself to their level, she decided to be the bigger woman and buy the mean pair coffee. "I told my cashier 'I'll pay for their coffee' and [the cashier] was like, 'What!'" Hoffmeyer said.

Her reasoning? She wanted to be a good role model for her daughter who "mimics everything [she] does," according to Raw Story.

She posted her encounter on Facebook. It has since exploded worldwide with her receiving at least 94,000 friend requests from people who heard her story.

Should she encounter the women again, or should they read this, she says, "I'd like to buy them another cup of coffee, and talk to them. And explain to them how it made me feel."

Michigan, Tim Hortons, Coffee, Coffee shop, Whale, Bully