Cannabis 'Forest': London Authorities Discover Patch Of Cannabis In Isolated Location

Authorities in Great Britain discovered what was described as a "forest" of cannabis to the southwest of London, after they were tipped off by a member of the public about a suspected cannabis farm.

Police discovered more than 150 marijuana plants concealed by native plant life in Kingston, prompting them to post images of the discovery on Twitter.

The plants, which grew up to 5 feet in height, were taller than one of the police officers who made the discovery, and allegedly took up an area the size of a football field, according to the Guardian.

PC Sarah Henderson, of Kingston said it looked like "a small forest of Christmas trees and was complete with a gazebo," according to the BBC.

"Whoever set this up used a really remote spot. The only way to get there was a 20 minute walk through wasteland," she continued. "But all their time, trouble and gardening skills will go unrewarded, as the whole lot will now be destroyed by police."

Authorities note that no one has been arrested and are investigating to figure out the person(s) responsible for cultivating the plants. They urge anyone with information to call them on 101.

London, Cannabis, Marijuana, Weed, Plant, Farm