Marijuana Falls From Sky: Marijuana Bundle Falls From The Sky Through Arizona Family Carport

On Sept. 8, marijuana fell from the sky and landed at the carport in the home of an Arizona family. During the early hours, resident Maya Donnelly woke up to what she thought was just a monsoon storm and ignored where the sound came from. Upon investigation in the morning, she found a package of what appeared to be 26 pounds of marijuana that crushed their doghouse.

"It's all right on top of our dog's house," Donnelly said, according to the Associated Press. "It just made a perfectly round hole through our carport."

Donnelly assumed that the content of the package was drugs since their home is located near the border. He husband Bill advised her to notify the authorities immediately.

Calculated by authorities, the bundles appear to contain 23.8 pounds of marijuana that could amount up to $9,500. The package went through the carport roof of the Donnellys that destroyed the house of their dog, Hulk.

"Thank goodness (Hulk) is a wanderer at night and was not in his house," Donnelly added, according to the Nogales International. "He was probably at the gate watching the plane go by."

According to the Nogales Police Chief Derek Arnson, this was the first instance in three years where a huge package was accidentally delivered on top of a building.

"Someone definitely made a mistake - and who knows what the outcome of that mistake might be for them," Arnson said, according to the DailyMail.

Authorities are still identifying whether the marijuana fell from a light aircraft or a drone. "Ultralights, we've seen those on occasion. They'll take a couple, two, three bundles. You can hear those kind of buzzing. They come at nighttime and they don't land, they just drop and go back to Mexico," Arnson added.

The Donnelly couple will personally fix their carport roof. "At this point Maya and I are going to do it together, and make it a family outing," Bill said, Nogales International added.

Arizona, Drone, Mexico, Hulk