Facebook Rolls Out New ‘Edit Post’ Feature For Desktop And Android For Typos

Facebook has introduced a new feature to its Android mobile app and desktop, which allows users to edit their posts after publishing them on the Wall.

A small yet a very important update for all Facebook users who want to edit their posts on the Wall instead of deleting and starting all over again! The social networking giant has finally come up with the much-needed solution. From Thursday all Facebook users can now make necessary changes to the posts after they have been published. Currently, the new "edit post" feature has made its way to desktop and Android, but will come to iOS "soon", according to a Facebook spokeswoman.

How often you have written an inspiring post, put words to your thoughts and published it on the Wall before realizing you have made a mistake and you have to start all over again. Although copying the whole text and reposting again with necessary changes can be an option, but it does get annoying sometimes. But now the posts can be edited from the Facebook Wall even after they have been published.

"To edit a post, you'll just tap the down arrow on your post and choose 'Edit post' to make changes," a Facebook spokeswoman told The Times in an email. "After you've edited your post, you can tap to see a history of your changes."

In June 2012, Facebook introduced comment editing feature, which allows users to make changes in the comments after publishing. Users can also edit photo captions and alter the date, location and tag friends to a post, but cannot actually change the text in the post. This new feature is a welcome addition as it can be used to save us a lot of embarrassment.

In August last year, Facebook confirmed that it was working on a feature that would allow users to edit their posts after publishing them, but it has taken a long time to finally release it. Almost all, more than 95 percent desktop users will have access to the new feature and Android users will receive an update.

The new update comes just on the heels of the "Autofill" feature, a new mobile payment system for quick and easy shopping experience online.

Facebook, Rolls, Out, New, Post, Feature, Desktop, Android