Carl Icahn: 'Danger Ahead' For U.S. Economy Warns Billionaire In Video

Carl Icahn, a billionaire hedge fund manager from Queens, N.Y., has released a new video on his website highlighting the "danger ahead" for the U.S. economy. Icahn believes that the U.S. is headed for catastrophe and that unless the nation makes changes in its taxation methods - among other things - the country could suffer an economic doomsday, according to USA Today.

Icahn said that the taxes on corporations should be lowered and that taxes for hedge fund managers like himself should be raised, with many experts backing the businessman's claims.

"It's like giving somebody medicine," said Icahn. "And this medicine is being given and given and given and we don't know what's going to happen - you don't know how bad it's going to be. We do know when we did it a few years ago it caused a catastrophe, it caused '08."

The video, "Danger Ahead," can be viewed on his official website or watch the trailer here:

The billionaire worries that interest rates of nearly zero percent are creating "investment bubbles" in real estate, high-yield bonds, art and corporate earnings.

Icahn has been in the media in the past for his sharp business sense and his sometimes abrasive approach to business, despite his claim of being a "shareholder activist," according to CNN Money.

Icahn believes that it's not a matter of if the U.S. economy will break down, but when.

Carl Icahn, Website, Businessman, Activist, Recession, Catastrophe, Video