Twitter To Expand 140-Character Limit, Sources Say

Sources say that the Twitter is working on a new product that will allow users to send tweets that go beyond the 140-character limit, according to Recode. There is no word yet on how long tweets may be, or if there will be a new limit put in place, but users will be able to tweet in long-form which is something new for the online company.

The new feature differs from other products like OneShot which allows users to attach screen shot text to a tweet. This is because other apps and downloads make the text an image, and this new product will allow the user to simply use text, according to Fortune.

The details are still up in the air; no concrete information is available on whether this will be an add-on feature, an app, or an upgrade to the site itself, but Twitter has been experimenting with its content as of late.

In April, Twitter added the "Retweet with comment" option, allowing users to retweet something and add their own commentary without fear of running out of characters to use, according to Fortune. It has also started shortening URLs to allow more space for a user's own text.

Some say that the reason this feature is currently in the works is due to the company's slowed growth. Many believe the 140-character limit might be keeping the company from expanding and reaching new audiences, according to the Telegraph. People don't want to be limited, and would rather use other social media platforms to get their voices heard.

There has been no formal announcement of this new feature, and therefore its arrival date is still anyone's guess.

Twitter, Social media, Tweet, Retweet, App