Baby Born With Tubes Instead Of Nose Breathing Fine (VIDEO)

A baby born without a nose has just two tubes that help him breathe, according to the Daily Mail. The Peruvian baby boy with Patau Syndrome was born at a hospital in the city of Chimbote in the west Peruvian province of Santa.

Patau Syndrome results when there is extra genetic material from chromosome 13 in some or all of the cells, a chromosome abnormality, said India Today. This rare genetic disorder occurs in one out of 15,000 births.

Mother Lorena Rodriguez-Zavaleta, 20, and the baby's unnamed father have named him Angelito, which translates to "little angel." Both parents are constantly by his side in the hospital.

Medical officials said that, with a little plastic surgery when he is older, he will appear "normal," as if there was nothing inconsistent ever.

Pediatrician Jose Castillo said Angelito is doing well, keeping food down and his heart and respiratory systems are working well, according to the Mirror, making him a good candidate for the surgery.

"He doesn't have difficulty breathing now, but he will need plastic surgery," said the hospital's neonatal care boss Carlos Arrestegui Ramos.

Peru, Nose, Plastic Surgery