Google Talk Play Up Leaves Many Users Red-faced

Google's Hangouts or G-Talk issue on Thursday left many customers in an awkward and confused state after messages sent through the chat service were redirected to random recipients from the user's contact list.

Google's G-Talk suffered technical issues and created some awkward moments as chats were redirected to random people on one's contact list. This led to a lot of unnecessary hassles and explanations for many.

What is done cannot be undone, but Google confirmed the glitch after several users expressed their aggravation via their Twitter accounts. The problem was first reported on the social network at about 10 p.m. PST Thursday. The glitch in the G-Talk service also affected several users of Google Apps for Business, even those who were using Google Talk instead of the updated Hangouts.

The messages sent via Google's chat service between 10 p.m. PST (Thursday) and 1:30 a.m. PST (Friday), seemed to be affected with the bug, according to Google's Apps Status Dashboard. The latest statement from Google revealed that the team fixed the bug in G-Talk and restored the service.

"We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and continued support," Google said.

The technical glitch was reported worldwide and several users expressed their disappointment via Twitter, of course after all the privacy breach.

This afternoon has been brought to you by Gchat and humiliation.

- Corinne (@thelaughingsub) September 26, 2013

my gchats are going to multiple people when i try to gchat one person. THIS IS A TERRIFYING SITUATION. - laura royden (@roydraging)September 26, 2013

fyi @gmail's gchat function is all screwed up, with some hilarious and some VERY AWKWARD results right now. FYIIII I KNEW YOU WERE TROUBLE

- anthony chang (@pelossus) September 26, 2013

Gchat / Hangout messages are being sent aimlessly to random people in your network. Guess Google is going after Twitter for real this time. - Shane Cyr (@shanecyr) September 26, 2013

Google Talk/Google Hangouts have been sending my private messages to multiple, random recipients this afternoon. Be warned--avoid GTalk!

- Lina (@mybigfatface) September 26, 2013.

Google, Talk, Play, Up, Left, Many, Users