Utah Woman: American Flag On Condo Draws $75 Fine From Homeowners Association

Residents of a condominium community in Utah have their American flags on display all-year round but are now being fined since the homeowners association (HOA) says that "exterior decorations" can only be displayed during the holiday season.

Erin Worthen, who lives in her Chestnut Place residence, was fined $75 for displaying an American flag at her home. The HOA also advised that "all exterior decorations must be removed within 10 days following the holiday...Please remove your flag from the common area," Fox News reported.

Worthen said on Sunday that this move made her "very frustrated and angry." She also said on "Fox and Friends" that putting up the American flag is a big thing for her since both her father and grandfather were Navy veterans.

"It means to me that the men and women who serve our country do a job that I know that I could not do," she said, Fox News added. "It's just my way of saying thank you to them and honoring their sacrifice that they do every day -day in and day out - and not just on holidays."

The president of the HOA, Lyn Steinbergen, said she got tired of seeing the flags every day. "Flags are flown on holiday events. All we are trying to do is regulate when the flag goes up and when it comes down," Sternberg said, according to Breitbart News.

One of the board members of the HOA explained its side. "After the last board meeting, we were leaving and two members of the board and a resident said they were tired of looking at the flag," said board member Jo Ann Dugay, according to Fox 13. "They said 'is this flag row?' And that something needed to be done about it."

The residents are planning a meeting to vote off other members of their HOA board.

American flag