Bikers Pull Man From Car And Beat Him After He Struck Several Motorcycles Trying To Escape (VIDEO)

According to police, a group of motorcyclists riding in a New York City bike event chased and then attacked the driver of an SUV after he intentionally struck several of the bikers. One bike filmed the entire chase and attack on a helmet camera.

The 33-year-old driver of the Range Rover that stuck the motorcyclists was driving north on Manhattan's West Side Highway with his wife and 2-year-old child around 2 p.m. when he found himself surrounded by a group of bikers, according to ABC News.

The bikers slowed down surrounding the Range Rover. The driver tapped the fender of one of the motorcyclists in the group. After that some 20 to 30 bikers surrounded the vehicle gesturing at him. One of the bikers even slashed the tire of the man's vehicle. He then sped off hitting a few of the bikers as he went, according to Officer Christopher Pisano of the NYPD.

At one point the driver slowed down enough for one of the bikers to get off of his motorcycle and open the driver-side door. The Range Rover sped off again, hitting another biker as he escaped.

Finally the chase went off the highway and the bikers were able to catch up to the man in traffic. One used his helmet to bust the window open and the video stops as two of the bikers were striking the man through the broken window.

The NYPD reports that the bikers then began assaulting the man but left his wife and 2-year-old alone. The driver was taken to Columbia Medical Center where he was treated and received stitches.

When the video was posted to LiveLeak, the person who posted it claimed that a biker was killed during the incident but police have said that that information is not accurate and there were no deaths as a result of the ordeal.