US Office of Travel and Tourism Industries Appoints New Director

Isabel Hill has been recognized as the new director of the US Office of Travel and Tourism Industries in the International Trade Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce, Tuesday, according to Breaking Travel News.

Isabel Hill, former deputy director for Policy and Planning at the Office of Travel and Tourism Industries, mastered in arts in media from the University of South Carolina, has worked extensively in the field of travel and tourism and been honored with prestigious awards for her work.

"Isabel brings to the job impressive experience and well-proven skills in all aspects of travel and tourism through her work in the private sector, state and federal government," Assistant Secretary for Manufacturing and Services Nicole Y. Lamb-Hale, said in a statement.

"Most recently, Isabel coordinated the interagency development of the first-ever, government-wide National Travel and Tourism Strategy under President Obama's Executive Order, and she is leading our efforts to implement the Strategy through the Tourism Policy Council. This is a very exciting time and opportunity to increase U.S. travel and tourism exports, and I am confident that Isabel and OTTI will continue to play a key role in our efforts to support this critical industry."

The Office of Travel and Tourism Industries looks after all international travel and tourism statistics for the U.S. Travel and Tourism Statistical System. The company aims to boost the international exports and increase job opportunities in the U.S.

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