Katie Leach: Mother Upset By Note Criticizing Her 'Screaming Son' In Restaurant

Katie Leach, a mother from Idaho, claims that she was left a spiteful note by two other woman at a diner accusing her infant son of ruining their dinner with his screaming.

Leach and her 10-month-old son Drew were eating at a Texas Roadhouse restaurant in Nampa, Idaho Friday night when he began to shout and yell in excitement, according to ITV News.

Two women behind her, both in their early 60s, became upset by the Drew's outbursts and Katie's refusal to silence him, so they let her know exactly what they thought.

One of the women got up and handed a note which read: "Thank you for ruining our dinner with your screaming kid! Sincerely, the table behind you."

At first, Leach was shocked by the note, but she soon regained her composure, turned to face the women and said, "I am sorry but my son is 10-months-old. I am trying to get him to keep it down, but he is still learning and he is only a baby," according to the New York Daily News.

In response, one of the women said, "I have kids and grandkids and let me tell you none of them ever behave like that."

Leach then fired back calling the two "rude" and disrespectful.

The manager of the restaurant heard about the incident, stuck up for Leach and asked the two women not to bother Leach any further and leave once they were finished, reported KSL. He then paid for Leach's family's meal and told her that she and her son were welcome back to eat there any time.

A representative for the Texas Roadhouse also came out in support of Leach, saying, "We were voted one of the loudest restaurants by Consumer Reports. We are proud to be loud. If you want to hear clinking wine glasses and clinking forks, then this probably isn't the place for you."

Restaurant, Idaho, Note, Infant, Baby