GTA Online Strategy: Tips For Surviving Your First Few Days In Los Santos With 15 Other Players

GTA Online launched on Tuesday and, despite some early glitches when the servers were overwhelmed, the game seems to be getting the praise from gamers that everyone expected. While the new online mode for Rockstar's latest hit is exciting and new, it can also be a little confusing and final. To help users with the transition from the story mode to online, below is a rundown of a few key choices users should educate themselves on before diving in with fifteen other people in Los Santos, courtesy of IGN.

According to the gaming strategy website, there is one prime directive for starting out in GTA Online: Steal a good car. Like every character in the story mode, your online avatar will receive a default main vehicle. Once you choose that vehicle you fit it with a tracker and that is the car you're stuck with until you decide to spend your hard earned cash on a new one. IGN recommends taking the few extra minutes to get your hands on the perfect car for you.

After you have your car, it may be tempting to run to the store and purchase a bunch of new clothes for your avatar. After all, who wants their friends to see them dressed like Trevor? However, it's important to fight that instinct and instead save your money for a decent weapon. Although you can't purchase an SMG until your rank goes high enough, it will make a better investment than clothes. When the game forces you to go to the clothing store, simply purchase the cheapest items and wait until you have the disposable income for clothes. Would you rather look nice and get shot or look drab and do the shooting?

While we're on the subject of looks, remember that your facial features when creating your character are permanent. Clothes can change but what your face looks like will always remain the same. There is a Heritage menu that users would do well to spend a little extra time in before deciding to romp through the city of Los Santos with a mug they dislike.

Users should also be on the lookout for thieves. In story mode, your money was all yours once you finished a mission. Now you're vulnerable to attackers after a mission, so your first stop after coming into some cash should be the bank. You can find your way to an ATM or simply go online on your in-game phone and deposit your cash through the bank.

Lastly, the game has an etiquette system. Campers, rude people and regular old jerks are reportedly ganged up on by more level-minded players. Avoid killing anyone who is coming out of a hospital as it is the GTA Online equivalent of spawn camping.

A more complete list of tips for GTA Online can be found HERE via IGN. If you're still experiencing crashes, freezing or bugs, don't fear. Rockstar has acknowledged that there are these issues that it is trying to work out and asks users to bear with it as it figures out the best way to run the GTA Online demand smoothly.