Yolanda Foster, who has been publicly battling Lyme disease, made a shocking revelation Thursday night about two of her children. Turns out, her daughter Bella Hadid and her son Anwar have also been quietly battling the chronic disease.
"When my two youngest children, Bella and Anwar, were diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease in early 2012, watching my babies struggle in silence in order to support me in my journey, struck the deepest core of hopelessness inside of me," she said at the Global Lyme Alliance inaugural gala, according to People. The 51-year-old "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star, who was also diagnosed in 2012, accepted the "Power of One" award Thursday with her children Bella, Gigi and Anwar and her husband David Foster by her side.
supporting my mom and many others tonight #lymediseaseawareness
A photo posted by anwar hadid (@anwarhadid) on Oct 8, 2015 at 8:26pm PDT
Gigi, whose boyfriend Joe Jonas was also there for support, had the honor of introducing and bringing her mother on stage to accept the award. "I remember when she was going into the first season of filming, she said to me, 'I don't know why this show was brought to my life, but for some reason, I think it will lead to something bigger,'" the runway model said. "She realized that she could use this platform of this world-famous television show to spread awareness. She was honest, unapologetic, and raw in how she portrayed Lyme disease on social media and on the show from the second she announced to the world she had been diagnosed."
Yolanda gave a very emotional and empowering speech, describing her struggle to the crowd and explaining the pain it's brought her. "This disease has brought me to my knees. Many nights I wish to die," she said, according to Us Weekly. "I pray that I will just wash away into heaven, where there will be no pain."
Bella, 19, and Gigi, 20, are both well-known international runway models, and Anwar, 16, is currently starting his acting career. Yolanda could not be more proud of her children and all they have accomplished. She went on to dedicate the award them. "I don't deserve this award," she said. "This award is for Anwar and Bella. This is my token and my promise to you that I will not allow you to live a life of pain and suffering. I will walk to the end of the earth to find a cure so that you can live a healthy life that you deserve. No child should suffer in the way that you do."
Celebrating #LymeDiseaseAwareness tonight with my beautiful family. #SearchingForACure ...We love you Mommy @yolandahfoster A photo posted by Bella Hadid (@bellahadid) on Oct 8, 2015 at 8:20pm PDT