White People Asked 'Not To Attend' Yoga Class In Seattle (VIDEO)

Rainier Beach Yoga in Seattle has designed a Yoga class called "Yoga for People of Color" and will not permit any Caucasians. However, people with any body shape, size, yoga experience, and even gender are welcome to attend the class, stated an email blast, according to Info Wars.

The email further states that their definition of people of color covers the following ethnic background, "African American/black/of the African Diaspora, Asian, South Asian, West Asian/Arab/Middle Eastern, Pacific Islander, First Nations/Alaskan Native/Native American/Indigenous, Chicano/Latino, or Multiracial/Mixed-Race." The class also invited anyone who is "lesbian, bisexual, gay, queer and trans-friendly/affirming," but again, if you are white, then you are not allowed to attend.

"What would happen if a Caucasian wanted to attend the class?" KIRO Radio host Dori Monson asked Teresa Wang, co-founder of the unique class.

"Well, it's a class for people of color, so he would be coming to that class knowing that we're really clear about who we are asking to come to class, so...I'm not really sure because it hasn't happened to us," Wang said, MyNorthwest reported. "So I don't really know."

Wang added that the class is intended to appeal to those who "reflect who we are, reflect our thoughts, and, you know, our belief system, or like (unintelligible) what you look like," according to Opposing Views.

Those who view Rainier Beach Yoga's website are provided an ironic workshop called "Yoga For Joyful Justice: Nurturing Social Justice Through Principles Of Yoga." The workshop claims to provide an opportunity to "explore the practice of deepening our awareness of ourselves in order to be better allies in the world" by focusing on racism, sexism, classism and heterosexism. It also claims to include "discussion, meditation, movement, possible discomfort, and plenty of joy."

"Yoga is for everybody. Classes taught at Rainier Beach Yoga are geared towards all levels of experience, and you are encouraged to listen to what makes the most sense for your body and mind," the site states.

Seattle, Yoga, Racist, Racism, Washington