Two Senators Suspended For Oral Sex Miming Incident In Italian Parliament (VIDEO)

Two Italian senators have been suspended after allegedly mining oral sex in the direction of a female Senator during a debate in Parliament.

Senators Lucio Barani and Vincenzo D'Anna, members of the Liberal-Popular and Autonomies Alliance (ALA), allegedly made a blow job gesture towards Senator Barbara Lezzi of the eurosceptic Five Star Movement during a heated debate in the upper house of Italian Parliament on Friday, Oct. 2, reported Express.

Watch the oral sex miming incident in the video below:

"The incidents are so serious they offended persons and Senators, and undermined the credibility of the institutions," Senate Speaker Pietro Grasso said while handling over a five-day suspension to the culprit Senators, according to ANSA. "From now on, no exception to the principle of decorum will be tolerated," he added.

Both Senators, however, insisted that their gestures towards Lezzi were misunderstood, reported The Independent. Barani also apologized to his female colleagues for his actions during the debate.

"I am truly sorry about what is happening in the Senate due to a misunderstanding generated by some instinctive gestures of mine," Barani said, according to ANSA.

"With my hand turned to my own face, I was inviting those who were interrupting Senator Falanga to swallow the papers they were waving so vehemently", he further said, according to The Local.

Italy, Parliament, Debate, Senate, Speaker, Video