NBA 2K14 Gameplay Reviews: Smoother Movement and A Great Intro; 3 Things to Like About This Year's Game

"NBA 2K14" came out Tuesday and so far I'm on the fence about how good the game is. There are definitely some areas in which improvements are obvious. However, there are also some areas in which its obvious nothing has been touched. Nevertheless, here are three things I like about the game concerning gameplay (offline) and off-court features.

No. 1-No Leaning Layup

My favorite team is the Bulls and, like many of you out there, my favorite player to use on the team is Derrick Rose. It's nice to see him actually move like Derrick Rose this year. One of the major things fixed in "NBA 2K14" is the loss of the leaning layup. In "NBA 2K13," if a defender happened to so much as breathe on you your player would go into an awkward animation to avoid someone that was barely playing defense. This year that's no longer the case. If I drive to the hoop with Derrick Rose he makes a slight adjustment and lays the ball up or he simply beats the defender to the rim. No leaning layup.

No. 2-Hall of Fame Mode is No Longer a Cheat Mode for the CPU

When you played on Hall of Fame Mode in "NBA 2K13", it was pretty hard to keep the computer from reaching 110 points and game scores would look something like "148-145." Now, with the improved defense things are much more realistic. If you stick a hand in Carmelo Anthony's face he actually misses. Or if Monta Ellis drives to the rim, you can efficiently contest him. It is also not easy for you to hit an open shot with anyone you please. This way, you actually have to be smart and game scores are more like "100-98."

No. 3-LeBron's Opening

If you are a LeBron fan you'll enjoy his monologue about working hard and not giving up when the game begins. While I may not fully agree with his taste of music, the man knows how to give a motivational speech.

"NBA 2K14" is in stores now for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It will release for the Xbox One on Nov. 22 and for the PlayStation 4 on Nov. 15.

For some bad things about the game click here.