LinkedIn Updates Its App for iPhone Users Following iOS 7 Release

Following the iOS 7 release last month, social networking sites have been revamping their apps to match up. LinkedIn, the largest professional networking site had been no exception, and it has overhauled its app for iPhone users, Wednesday.

The modified iPhone app looks much cleaner, flatter and more modern, claims LinkedIn on its official blog. The site has made a couple of changes to the app that primarily includes a user guide and provides step by step direction to users.

One of the most significant changes incorporated on the modified app is the fluid access to endorsements for LinkedIn users. Endorsements form the most valuable part of one's job profile and could be accessed only on desktop versions initially but the updated iPhone app will make the endorsements readily accessible from any iPhones or tablets. This step on LinkedIn's part can be cited as a smart move to bridge the gap between the desktop and mobile users and helps in boosting traffic for the site. However, the endorsement feature is not exclusively meant for the iOS holders but has been made available to Android users as well.

Alongside the new features, LinkedIn has also redesigned its mobile news reader app, Pulse. The updated Pulse will offer news updates besides user profile information. The updated LinkedIn app on iPhone makes the scrolling between the pages much faster and smoother. Users can glide over the pages and get back to the screen with one or two quick taps.

LinkedIn also updated its app for the Blackberry 10 edition devices, which incorporates an improved search tool for the LinkedIn app that makes the job searches much easier. The app is much simpler in design but has an enhanced interface where the users can go ahead and share their favorite articles other than the profile details, reports fonearena.

LinkedIn, Updates, App, Iphone, Ios, 7