Halloween Pumpkins: Ideas For Decorating Without Carving (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Some people don't like carving pumpkins for Halloween, because it takes effort and it's messy to clean up. If you're considering using pumpkins for decorations for this season, but don't like to do all that work, you can still decorate - no carving necessary. Below are some ideas:


Doilies are tablecloths that look like cut-up lace. They come in different sizes.

What you'll need:

- Doilies, which you can purchase at Amazon of your favorite home or craft store.
- Liquid Starch, available at Walmart.
- A bowl

Directions: In a bowl, pour the starch and then dip the doilies one by one. Then, carefully stretch a starched doily on the pumpkin, making sure to keep it flat. Add as many doilies as you want. Wipe off excess starch. Let stand overnight before putting on display.


This is an activity you can do with your children, as you play around with nail polish and pumpkins.

What you'll need:

- Nail polish in assorted colors
- Nail polish remover for corrections
- Bowl
- Q-tip
- Pumpkins, baby white variety is best, but not required.

Directions: Fill up the bowl with water and then pour the nail polish. Don't move the bowl or mix the liquid vigorously. Use a Q-tip to draw the swirl or pattern, then dip the pumpkin.

Watch the video instructions below:

For another way to decorate with pumpkin, check out: Halloween 2015: Create Disco Ball Pumpkins To Light Up Your Party (VIDEO)
