Paris Climate Talks: Biggest Polluters Prepared

The countries that create more than 90 percent of worldwide carbon emissions have shared their plans for emission reduction, according to The Huffington Post. It's a big step in the fight against global warming, but some say it still might not be enough.

Major polluting countries such as China, Brazil, the European Union, the U.S. and India have all come up with plans to lower the amount of emissions they create. The U.N. has asked all countries to set goals for reducing emissions before the December climate conference in Paris, according to ABC Action News WFTS. All the top 10 biggest-polluting countries have created plans months in advance of the conference.

A total of 150 countries have pledged to cut emissions. Some experts, however, say it isn't going to be enough. Think-tank Climate Analytics predicts a global temperature rise of 2.7 degrees Celsius, or about 36.8 degrees Fahrenheit. That's over the 2 degrees Celsius "safety threshold," according to the BBC.

"Two degrees warming would avoid some of the worst problems, particularly for food production and drought. It would lower the level of sea-level rise, heat waves and damage to economies. But it is still not safe for many regions," Climate Analytics employee Bill Hare said.

Carbon Emissions, China, Brazil, European Union, U.S., India, U.N., Paris, Global Warming