Malaysia Airlines Flight 17: Missile Blamed For 2014 Crash (BREAKING)

A report released Tuesday by the Dutch Safety Board shows that officials have come to the conclusion that Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 crashed as a result of a Russian-made 9M38 Buk missile.

The report explores four primary issues:

• what caused the plane to disintegrate mid-air
• why it was flying over a conflict region
• why some relatives had to wait four days before receiving confirmation that loved ones were on board
• to what extent passengers and crew were aware of what occurred during their final moments

"MH17 crashed as a result of the detonation of a warhead outside the airplane," said Dutch Safety Board Chairman Tjibbe Joustra as the agency published its final report, adding that the missile was fired from eastern Ukraine. This is the first time the agency has openly endorsed the belief that a missile was used to shoot down the aircraft.

Plane crash, Russia, Ukraine, Missile, Report, Study
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