Ben Carson: End Of Times 'Are Getting Closer'

Republuican candidate Ben Carson said that we are close to the end of days in a television interview.

Journalist Sharyl Attkisson asked Carson about the biblical end of days, and Carson responded, "You could guess that we are getting closer to that," reported CNN. Attkisson asked Carson, a Seventh-day Adventist, about his views on biblical prophesies about the end of times with current world events, according to NewsMax.

"You do have people who have a belief system that sees this apocalyptic phenomena occurring and that they are a part of it, who would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons if they gained possession of them," Carson elaborated on his feelings on faith and how he felt about the biblical end of the world, CNN noted.

Then Attkisson asked Carson if a "change of course" could avoid "something that's prophesied," The Washington Examiner reported.

Carson replied, "I think we have a chance to certainly do everything that we can to ameliorate the situation. I would always be shooting for peace. You know, I wouldn't just take a fatalistic view of things."

Carson recently said he did not advocate a Muslim for president because a Muslim would have to put the Constitution over his Muslim teachings, as HNGN previously reported.

The Republican retired neurosurgeon was recently under attack for controversial comments on the holocaust and the Oregon community college shooting, as HNGN previously reported.

Ben carson, Republican, Presidential candidates, Muslim, Constitution, Holocaust