
Australian Hunter Survives Six Days Without Water By Eating Ants

A hunter who became lost on the Australian outback managed to survive for six days without water by eating ants, police report.

Reginald Foggerdy, 62, had gone to the Great Victoria Desert in Western Australia with his brother when he went missing while wearing only a T-shirt, shorts and flip-flops, according to CNN. After police were notified of his disappearance, a land and air search was conducted by police officers aided by Aboriginal trackers. He was later discovered "extremely dehydrated, a bit delusional, but he's received treatment, first aid on the ground, and it's fair to say he's now sitting up and talking," Police Supt. Andy Greatwood told ABC radio.

Ants and other insects are highlighted as possible sources of nutrients by survival experts, and since Foggerdy is regarded by family and friends as an experienced bushman, it's more than likely he was aware of that. However, Greatwood still praised Foggerdy's instincts, saying most wouldn't have survived in his situation.

"His last couple of days of survival were achieved by lying down under a tree and eating black ants. That's the level of survival that Mr. Foggerdy has gone to," he said, according to the BBC.

Foggerdy's wife Arlyn reportedly cried when she heard her husband was found live and considers his survival a miracle.

"How you can survive without water and food is a miracle," she said.

The Great Victoria Desert is the largest desert in Australia and is known for being treacherous since it has no permanent surface water.

Australia, Stranded, Desert, Ants, Survival
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