Domestic violence statistics show that every nine seconds in the U.S., a woman is assaulted or beaten. That averages to nearly 20 people per minute that are physically abused at the hands of an intimate partner in the U.S., according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Annually, that figure is more than 10 million women and men that suffer from domestic violence.
So when football legend Terry Bradshaw went on his "rant" on during FOX's NFL Sunday, it was fitting that it just so happened to also be Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM).
Bradshaw blasted Cowboys coach Jerry Jones for keeping on Greg Hardy with his domestic abuse history, according to USA Today. Bradshaw says about the report that he's done talking about the Hardy's of the NFL, and that he condemns Jones for signing Hardy after the Carolina Panthers sent him packing. Bradshaw also said he hopes the NFL "eradicates" any player guilty of domestic abuse.
See the video and how passionate Bradshaw becomes.
And that wasn't Bradshaw's first public statement against domestic violence. Recall back to 2010, with his equally passionate speech and warning to Ben Rothlisberger after his second accusation of sexual violence, reported SB Nation. To this Bradshaw said: "If I had owned the Steelers, hear me loud and clear, he would not be a Steeler. I would've gotten rid of him. What he did, in my eyes, is absolutely unacceptable."
Safe Haven, a leader in the fight to end domestic violence, has partnered with Miss America Kira Kazantsev, as well as actor Alan Cumming and writer Linda Fairstein, in a campaign they are calling #putthenailinit. Anyone can show support in the efforts to end domestic violence by painting the ring finger on their left hand purple. Any shade of purple, says Safe Haven.
This is a cause near and dear to Kazantsev's heart, as she too is a victim of domestic violence. You can make your donation to Safe Haven to help in their life work with abuse victims. And to learn more about #putthenailinit, watch the video to see how you too can help.
Abuse victims and their families have been bravely stepping forward to tell their stories in hopes that others will reach out to groups such as Safe Haven, to get the help they need before it is too late.
See the story of survivor Lindsay Harp, who will always carry the physical scars brought on by the hands of the father of her children. The video shows her story and her survival. Kudos goes to Lindsay for being brave enough to share it with the world.
Heather Norris, another victim of domestic violence, was murdered by her estranged boyfriend in 2007. Her story was told through her mother, who was instrumental in making sure changes were made to the flawed system surrounding domestic violence. She wanted to honor Norris, and did so by encouraging lawmakers to take a stance on teens and dating violence.
Norris's mother introduced Senate Enrolled Act (SEA) 316, which was approved in 2010, known now as Heather's law, in honor of her daughter.
On a typical day, there are over 20,000 calls placed to domestic violence call centers in the U.S. Organizations like SafeHaven are calling for everyone to band together and do their part to help bring awareness to the public, so more victims feel safe enough to come forward. If you wish to help, you can donate, and/or help spread awareness with #putthenailinit.
Terry Bradshaw gives his heartfelt viewpoint on Greg Hardy's domestic abuse case.
— FOX Sports: NFL (@NFLonFOX) October 11, 2015