60 New Species Found in Suriname Forests

The virgin rainforests of Suriname is home to newly discovered species-- the tiny ruby-colored beetle, the chocolate frog, and the sharp-spined grasshopper are just some of the 60 new species.

Suriname is located in Guiana Shield in South America, which covers over 25 percent of the rainforest found around the world.

“Suriname is one of the last places where an opportunity still exists to conserve massive tracts of untouched forest and pristine rivers where biodiversity is thriving,” said tropical ecologist Dr. Trond Larsen in an interview with the Telegraph.

Larsen is a member of the 16-man expedition team who found and named the new species. Their goal at Suriname was to investigate the influence of water in the great rainforest of Suriname.

The expedition's research had confirmed that the waters in the rainforest play an important role in the ecosystem that let these various and diversified animals to thrive.

The scientists were able to find 60 species, with more than a thousand types of insects, fish, birds, amphibians and mammals.

An insect that appeared more like a grasshoper was named Pseudophyllinae teleutin. It was sharp spined to defend itself against predators.

A very tiny beetle named "Lilliputian beetle" (Canthidium cf. minimum) has a length of 2.3 mm or 0.09 inches and antennae that looks like those of antlers.

Other types of beetles, around 25 species, were discovered swimming in water that were coming out of the granites at the top of the rainforest's mountain.

There were several new frogs found in the rainforest; a snouted frog (Scinax sp.) that lived in trees, a poison frog (Anomaloglossus sp.) which was colored white and brown and the "cocoa frog" (Hypsiboas sp.) named so because of its chocolate color was also discovered to reside in trees.

All these years, the Suriname rainforest has conserved and became home to all these species. It is very interesting how animal diversity could flourish when there is very minimal or no human interaction or activity in their midst.