Android Tablets Lose Battle To Apple iPads In Schools; Lack Of Educational Apps Plays Major Role

The Android operating system may be the leading platform in smartphones but Apple iPads lead in U.K. classrooms with a majority of students choosing to opt for the iOS-based tablets.

Apple iPads have long ruled the tablet market around the globe. However, the Android platform has also achieved a strong foothold in the smartphone and tablet race.

A new survey by an education app developer "Apps in My Pocket," has revealed that iPads remain dominant among primary students in the U.K.

Apple iPads offer several educational apps that are widely used in schools. Most of the top rated apps remain exclusive to Apple's iOS. The research found that only one in top ten recommended educational apps is available in Google Play Store, which makes iPads the obvious choice for parents and educational establishments.

The findings reveal that nearly 40 percent primary schools use Apple iPad for educational purposes, whereas only 3.3 percent schools prefer Android-based tablets.

"Android tablets might be beating iPads for market share in most situations. But in education they barely have a foot in the door. I think this is down to a number of factors," John Friend, director of Apps in My Pocket, said in a press release. "Not only does Apple have a good track record of education support, but I think Android and Windows 8 are caught in a catch-22 for education. Schools won't buy their tablets because they don't have the popular educational apps, and developers won't port their apps because schools are just buying iPads."

The survey found that 87 pre-schools and primary institutions utilize iPads in their educational system, with only six primary schools choosing Android tablets.

Android tablets may be strong contenders in the outside market but schools and students prefer iPads over Android slates. This proves that Apple has a strong and loyal customer base and has no threat from competitors in the segment

The surveyor also interviewed 456 parents on their choice of gadget for their children. Most parents supported the use of iPads in schools and nearly 88 percent educational establishments supported using iPads.

Android, Tablets, Loses, Battle, Apple, Ipads, Schools, Educational, Apps