Britain Has Adorable Duck Paths For Feathered Friends Who Share Miles Of Canal Paths With Humans (PHOTO, VIDEO)

Next time you are in Britain, mind the waddlers and their new special lanes, thanks to Britain's Canal & River Trust, according to The Dodo. And the waddlers are the ducks that traverse the paths along with pedestrians, cyclists and others.

The Canal & River Trust made the waddle lanes to remind others that our feathered friends, plentiful along the walkways, are rightfully there as well and to watch for them as they make their strolls.

The paths alongside waterways in both England and Wales have proven effective, as you can see the ducks are waddling along with no hindrance or bother.

"What we are asking is for everyone to share the space, i.e. to have a little bit of common sense about how they behave around others," said Dick Vincent of the Trust.

On the 2,000 miles of paths alongside the English and Welsh canals, says Tree Hugger, cyclists, pedestrians and even ducks vie for space; hence the Trust felt the need for our feathered friends to have their own duck lane.

Now there is a painted white line marking the "feathered" lanes with stenciled duck silhouettes. Follow the kind thoughtful trend at #sharethespace.

"We've painted in duck lanes on the tow path, just to highlight..[that] there's only so much space you can share..and actually probably ducks need the priority," Vincent said.

The Canal River Trust's motto is "share the space; drop your pace; it's a special place." Let's hope the ducks agree.

Ducks, Duck, England, Wales, English