Mouse: Subway Sandwich Surprise! Oregon Man Finds Mouse In Subway Sandwich (TWEET, PHOTO)

A man from Oregon ordered an Italian sub from the local Subway shop in Lincoln City, but found a dead mouse hidden under the spinach leaves. The rodent was found in Jay Armstead's sandwich but he saw it before he took a bite.

"It was unfortunate I was the lucky recipient," Armstead said, according to KGW. "It was wet and dead. His tail was curled up and you could see his two front teeth."

Matt Jones, Armstead's friend, was the one who took the photo that went viral. Jones said that his teriyaki chicken sandwich was made first. The employee then proceeded to make Armstead's Italian sub on which he wanted spinach. The staff took a scoop of the last batch of spinach from the container then put it on the sandwich without noticing the mouse in it.

"I got my drink, turned around and they were in shock like something happened," Jones said. "There was a mouse in there. It was gross."

Look at that Beast of a mouse in the spinach at Subway today! Good thing we didn't bite into it! AMAZING! WTF!!! The manager was in shock!

Posted by Matt Jones on Tuesday, October 6, 2015

"It's the funniest thing I've ever seen, but it's also the most disgusting thing I've ever seen," he added. "I laughed because I was like, there is no way this just happened."

Jones uploaded the photo on Facebook and captioned it, "Look at that Beast of a mouse in the spinach at Subway today! Good thing we didn't bite into it!" according to the New York Daily News.

The mouse did not have any human contact in any way and Subway has released a statement about the issue, according to the New York Post.

"As soon as the customer alerted the owner about what happened, they were immediately given a full refund and an investigation was launched. To be cautious, all of the products in the sandwich unit were disposed of and a thorough cleaning took place, in which the Health Department gave the restaurant a clean bill of health. There were no other complaints made."

The health inspector stated that the mouse originated from the producers of the spinach, and not from the Subway store.

Matt Jones
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