British Travelers Vote British Airways UK’s Favorite Airlines Despite Rising APD Costs

A TripAdvisor Flights Survey revealed the results of British Travelers' choice of airlines and their outlook on the rising Air Passenger Duty (APD), according to a Breaking Travel News article.

British Airlines has been awarded the most favorable airlines in the U.K. for three years in a row. But the British travelers' worries continue about the rise in Air Passenger Duty and the pending request to lift a ban on carrying liquids in hand-luggage across EU airports persists.

The restriction on carrying any liquids in hand-luggage is likely to be lifted by April 2013 as the EU airports are awaiting equipments which will be able to scan liquids.

The survey also revealed British travelers' dissatisfaction on the implementation of Air Passenger Duty, which is also likely to rise by April. British travelers expressed their opinion for the Air Passenger Duty to be lifted along with the restriction on liquids.

Nearly a quarter of British populations' travel plans tend to be impacted with the Air Passenger Duty.

"Flights make up a significant part of the cost of a trip and the results of this research reveal that the ever increasing cost of APD is becoming a real concern for British travellers," said TripAdvisor spokesperson, Emma Shaw, according to the article. "And, while the liquid ban was originally implemented for traveller safety, it seems that the majority of Brits won't feel any less safe when the restriction is lifted later this year."

Richard Branson's Virgin Atlantic fell to the third position as easyJet acquires the second place in the U.K's most favorite airlines ranking. The list of British travellers' favorite airlines continued as Monarch ranked fourth and Thomson Airways took the fifth place.

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