Clear Energy Comes Up With Eco-Friendly Methane-based Fuel

Clean Energy Fuels, a U.S.-based natural gas provider has come up with an eco-friendly fuel resource made out of methane, which is more cost-effective.

Experiments have been conducted time and again to derive fuel out of methane, a byproduct of decomposing organic matter but they were not fruitful. After long perseverance, Clean Energy Fuels, the first ever commercial distributor of natural gas, has finally come up with a methane-based fuel made out of decomposed wastes from landfills, dairies and sewage plants. It will be soon commercially available across 40 filling stations in California , according to their official site.

The bio methane extracted from organic wastes is first sent to the processing units, passes on to the purification chambers and finally gets delivered to the gas pipelines.

The company sounded pretty confident on its first achievement and wants to make the resource widely accessible across the nation. "Though California and others have been investing in the development of this fuel, I don't think people were expecting there to be a significant public supply or access this soon - maybe not even this decade," said Tim Carmichael in a statement, reports the New York Times. The company hopes to supply nearly 15 million gallons of fuel to the California based fuel stations by 2013.

A couple of factors have contributed to the discovery of the new alternative fuel source. Vehicle owners are avoiding the conventional energy sources nowadays ,opting for less polluting ones, which has widened the market for the natural gas providers.

Another factor triggering the invention is the government incentives for the manufacturers to bring down the carbon emission rates and to promote alternative sources of energy. The effort on the producers' part will be acknowledged by tradable credits and Clear Fuels Energy will be receiving the same alongside the federal incentives.

The fuel will be way cheaper and eco friendly compared to the other conventional sources of energy. Methane is emitted directly from the decomposed wastes and is relatively better suited in capturing heat compared to carbon and it is gaining wider acceptance among energy producing companies .

Energy, Methane, Based, Fuel, California, Organic, Waste
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