Josh Duhamel And Son Axl Watch Football Game Together; Proud Dad Shares Cute Pic On Instagram

Josh Duhamel shared a cute snap of his son Axl lying next to him on bed all prepped up to enjoy the Sunday football game. Cuteness defined!

The bond between a father and a son always grows by having a mutual liking for sports. Josh Duhamel introduced son Axl to his very first game of football Sunday. Duhamel and his Black Eyed Peas lady, Fergi, have been anything but shy about showing off their wonderful son to the world.

The world woke up to another cute snap of Axl on Monday. After having a quick trim at a hair salon Sunday morning, Duhamel decided to stay indoors with his little one as they shared a moment enjoying each other's company. Later that day, the 40-year-old actor posted a photo on Instagram of himself cuddling up to his son, Axl.

"Gonna catch some football with my little guy today," the actor captioned the adorable pic on Instagram.

Duhamel and Fergie became parents to a baby boy last month, after nine years together. The couple was smashed with infidelity rumors early in the marriage. Fergie had even admitted that "it was difficult," reports Mirror.

However, they battled the odds and got through the hard times. "When you go through difficult times, it really makes you stronger as a unit, as a partnership. It does for us, anyways. Our love today is a deeper love, definitely," the singer explained.

The proud parents have constantly shared a series of sweet snaps of their son since his birth. Last week, Fergie shared a picture of Axl wearing a Sons of Anarchy hat and the snap was captioned "Aaahh #BreakingBad is done!! Still learning valuable life lessons on #SonsOfAnarchy."

The pictures suggest neither Duhamel nor Fergie plan to stay far from their son for too long. They also prefer staying indoors while they enjoy moments of happiness in their perfect world.

Son, Watch, Football, Game, Together, Dad