Two teenage girls took fanaticism to another level when they tried to break into One Direction star Liam Payne's hotel room, managing to steal a pair of his Calvin Klein boxers from his balcony before wearing them, the Telegraph reports.
The underwear thieves, 13-year-old Izzy and 14-year-old Yuki, were later caught and confronted by One Direction's security team down at Whale Beach where Payne and bandmate Louis Tomlinson were surfing. Security forced the thieves to return the stolen undies...only they weren't in the girl's bags, as one of them was wearing the pair of boxers and was forced to remove them before handing them over.
How did Izzy and Yuki manage to snag the boxers? The teens, eager to catch a glimpse of their idols, jumped a fence to try and get inside Payne's unlocked apartment hotel. On the balcony was a wetsuit and a pair of red Calvin Klein boxers, and though a witness says they wanted both, they only managed to get away with one before skirting off.
"They only took the underwear," the 38-year-old witness, who claims she is getting blamed for the incident as security thought they were her kids, told the Telegraph. "They wanted to take a wetsuit but someone brought it inside...One Direction are not nice security. They are extremely angry."
"It was terrifying," Izzy told the Telegraph. "They [the boxers] were on the balcony, then I heard someone say, 'Hello,' and so I jumped the fence. Liam seemed really confused. He didn't say anything to us directly, he just said, 'hey' and looked at us then we legged it."
Payne was indeed shocked and surprised to see the teens on his balcony yesterday, and he took to Twitter to express his embarassment at his privacy being invaded first thing in the morning.
"Strangest way I've ever been woken up, When ur in bed butt naked an sum1 is trying to force open your balcony this is gunna be a strange day. So happy I woke up cuz that s**t would have been so unfair," Payne tweeted though the madness didn't stop there, as soon after he wrote: "Hmmm somebody stole my boxers I'm so embarrassed."
Fans on Twitter expressed their concern and confusement, so Payne tried to clear up the situation with the following tweets: "So how this happened...I went in the sea in those hotel staff put them outside to dry sum1 climbed on and stole them just to set the scene..."#breakIntoSomeonesHouseAndStealThereUnderwearDay right I'm off to scarlett johansson's house," the 20-year-old singer taking the surprising incident with an ounce of humor.
#breakIntoSomeonesHouseAndStealThereUnderwearDay right I'm off to scarlett johansson's house
— Liam Payne (@Real_Liam_Payne) October 7, 2013
It's unclear whether or not Payne was made aware that his boxers had been worn by one of the teens after they were stolen.
Fourteen-year-old Yuki, however, was more concerned about the band members hating her than getting in trouble with their security.
"I don't want to get in trouble," Yuki said to the Telegraph. "I called my mum and she told me that I probably shouldn't have done it and it was a bad idea because it is against the law. But she doesn't seem too worried. None of my friends will care. Liam seems really angry."
Payne and his bandmates have been staying at Jonah's Whale Heach Hotel, a luxurious Australian resort, while finishing up the last leg of their "Take Me Home Tour." This isn't the first time the boys have had their underwear stolen by crazed fans. Earlier this year, staff attendants had to pay close attention to their unattended laundry in their tour buses, dressing rooms and hotel rooms, as fans were eager to pick out and keep their boxers.
Click here to see photos of Izzy and Yuki having to return the stolen Calvin Klein boxers that one of them wore after snatching them from Liam Payne's balcony, and click here for photos of a shirtless Liam Payne surfing the other day with his bandmate Louis Tomlinson.