'Survivor: Second Chance' Recap: Jeff Probst Talks The First Big Blindside Of The Season

"Survivor" is known for its notorious blindsides, and last night, we finally saw the players really playing the game with first big surprise of the season. With new school vs. old school really starting to make its mark on "Second Chance," Bayon headed to tribal council to eliminate who they thought would be the biggest threat in the future. Would it be Spencer, the diehard fan who plays the game the new school way, or would it be Kelly Wiglesworth from the very first season, who is staying true to her old school ways? Turns out, thanks to Kimmi, it was neither!

Monica, who even said during tribal council that they definitely knew who would be going home, fell victim to the blind side, and her jaw literally dropped to the floor when she heard her name called as the fifth castaway voted off the island. The elimination was a true, hard-core blindside, as Monica had no idea this was coming, and Kimmi 's personal beef with her was enough to get people to agree. The second Monica suggested that they eliminate Spencer instead of Wiglesworth to keep the female count up as a way to form a woman's alliance, Kimmi knew what she had to do.

"You have to build real bonds to build real alliances," Fishbach said right before voting began. On her way out, Monica gave Spencer the death stare as if this was all his doing, while host Jeff Probst confirmed that this game is truly being played the new school way.

"I was really impressed to see Kimmi light up like that. I was really starting to wonder about her drive. But that convinced me, she is definitely here to play," Probst told Entertainment Weekly. "She's been playing a nice quiet game...until things aren't going as she wants them to, then BAM! That was a big move. It sent a big signal. Nobody is safe and if you say the smallest wrong thing, the game can turn very fast....I'm choosing to believe that she really did sense a potential longterm problem with Monica....Kimmi took [the idea] and ran. Man, 'Survivor' is so hard."

Monica, on the other hand, is still bitter about Kimmi going against their alliance. "I wasn't a loose cannon," she tweeted following the show. "@KimmiKappenberg didn't know her true alliance #IsSheNotAGirl #GoodLuckNotWinning #DumbMove."

Some other former contestants weren't happy with her decision, either. "I can't believe you VOTED OUT A LOYAL ALLY @stephenfishback @KimmiKappenberg @jeremy2collins!!" Eliza Orlins tweeted. "That was NOT your best move."

As for what we can expect next week, Probst is keeping some secrets. "Oh man, there is so much," he said. "I don't want to give much away. Major emotion. Major reversal. And a lot of gross stuff to eat. How's that?"

Tune in to "Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance" Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EDT on CBS.
