Human Leg Stolen From Non-Profit Organization Before Tissue Transplant

A non-profit group in California was robbed of a human leg Monday morning while they were en route to deliver the body part for a tissue transplant, according to the StarTribune.

Drivers with the non-profit group OneLegacy had stopped at the Original Pantry Cafe in downtown Los Angeles for food, but when they returned to their van they discovered that the leg and two backpacks were missing.

The police believe the unmarked van wasn't targeted because of the human cargo, but was simply the result of a random robbery, according to NBC Los Angeles.

The search is still on for the missing limb and personal items.

"The search was unsuccessful and a police report was filed," said OneLegacy CEO Tom Mone. "The Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner-Coroner's was notified later that morning. After meeting with the coroner, OneLegacy also contacted the donor's family."

There is also word that someone, allegedly from the coroner's office, has leaked information and spread libelous rumors of a cover-up conspiracy under the screen name Frank Peters, according to the Daily Mail.

"I was informed by OneLegacy that a potentially libelous statement was posted on the Donate Life website detailing the particulars of the incident and that OneLegacy and the medical examiner-coroner was involved in a cover up conspiracy," said Mark Fajardo, chief medical examiner. "As it stands today, we do not know who "leaked" the information, but it appears at face value to be one of my employees."

Human, Leg, Stolen, Theft, CEO, Police report, Search, Coroner, Conspiracy, Theory, Non-profit