Robin Thicke: 'I Was High And Drunk' In Every 2013 Interview (VIDEO)

A video of Robin Thicke from the "Blurred Lines" lawsuit shows the singer repeatedly saying that he was not sober in any of his 2013 interviews. The video, recorded on April 23, 2014, was from the deposition brought against Thicke and co-writer Pharrell Williams by Marvin Gaye's family, who claimed "Blurred Lines" copied Gaye's 1977 hit, "Got to Give It Up."

In the video, Thicke said that he was not an honest person and that he did not give a single interview sober, including one with Oprah, according to People.

"With all due respect, I was high and drunk every time I did an interview last year," Thicke, 38, said in the 2014 video that was obtained by the Hollywood Reporter.

Thicke previously admitted to being high on Vicodin and alcohol when he recorded the song in 2012, according to Us Weekly. He also said that he would say, "whatever I want to say to help sell records."

Thicke and Williams were ordered to pay Gaye's family $7.3 million in March after a jury ruled that the two ripped off Gaye's song for "Blurred Lines."

Check out the video of the deposition below!

Robin Thicke, Pharrell Williams, Blurred lines, Marvin Gaye, Oprah, Oprah winfrey, Pills, Alcohol, Drunk