Google Using Artificial Intelligence For Complicated Search Queries

For the past few months, Google has been utilizing an artificial intelligence (AI) system to help it interpret its more difficult search queries, according to Bloomberg Business. The system, nicknamed RankBrain, deals with approximately 15 percent of Google's daily queries. Unlike the other technologies in the search engine, RankBrain's use of AI means that it can learn and adapt as the days go by.

"The other signals, they're all based on discoveries and insights that people in information retrieval have had, but there's no learning," said Greg Corrado, one of Google's senior research scientists.

The AI technology that makes up RankBrain makes it more effective at figuring out the meaning behind ambiguous search queries and has already become the third-most important factor in contributing to Google's search results, according to the Verge.

RankBrain is not the first time Google has dabbled with AI — back in June, researchers from the company trained a computer to have full conversations on topics ranging from philosophy to technical support, according to the Daily Mail.

In an attempt to take on Google, Facebook is indexing every public post that has been made on the site and using search patterns to serve personalized results to their users.

Google, AI, Artificial intelligence, Information, Facebook, Technology, Search engine, Learning
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