Quentin Tarantino: NYPD Union Calls For Boycott Of Director's Films After His Comments At Police Brutality Rally

New York City's police union is calling for a boycott of Quentin Tarantino films after the director spoke out against officers during a police brutality rally on Saturday, according to The Wrap.

"When I see murders, I do not stand by . . . I have to call a murder a murder, and I have to call the murderers the murderers," Tarantino told a crowd of protesters in Washington Square Park.

"I'm a human being with a conscience," Tarantino said. "And if you believe there's murder going on then you need to rise up and stand up against it. I'm here to say I'm on the side of the murdered," the "Django Unchained" director added, according to Fox News.

The Patrolmen's Benevolent Association urged New Yorkers to boycott Tarantino movies after his comments at the rally.

"It's no surprise that someone who makes a living glorifying crime and violence is a cop-hater, too," Patrick Lynch, president of the Patrolman's Benevolent Association, said on Sunday. "The police officers that Quentin Tarantino calls 'murderers' aren't living in one of his depraved big-screen fantasies - they're risking and sometimes sacrificing their lives to protect communities from real crime and mayhem."

"New Yorkers need to send a message to this purveyor of degeneracy that he has no business coming to our city to peddle his slanderous 'Cop Fiction.' It's time for a boycott of Quentin Tarantino's films," Lynch said.

The rally took place four days after NYPD police officer Randolph Holder was shot in the head and killed while chasing a gunman in East Harlem, as HNGN previously reported.

Tarantino said that the timing of the rally was "unfortunate" but had to go on since people had travelled long distances to attend, according to The New York Post.

Tarantino's latest film, "The Hateful Eight," is slated to hit theaters on Christmas Day

Quentin Tarantino, NYPD, New York City, Police brutality, Comments, New York Police, Protest