Starbucks Offers Free Coffee To Customers Who 'Pay-It-Forward' During Government Shutdown

Starbucks chains will be offering a free tall coffee for people who buy someone else their favorite beverage at shop.

The coffee company started the pay-it-forward deal because of the government shutdown. Check out the statement released by the company:

Our customers do amazing things everyday. A customer buys the next person in line their favorite beverage-not as an act of charity or thanks-but an acknowledgement of commonality and humanity. The gesture is small, but the act is endlessly inspiring.

In times like these, small acts of civility like these make a big difference. With that, we are extending a gesture. If you come into Starbucks and buy someone else their favorite beverage, we'll give you a free tall brewed coffee.

We're hoping this small motivation will encourage you to be the spark of connection that helps bring us all a little closer at a time when showing our unity is so important.

#payitforward-and lets see what can happen.

Offer good October 9-11, 2013 at participating stores.

This is not the first time Starbucks has expressed some sort of political stance.

"In 2011, Schultz urged the American business community to help quell bickering on Capitol Hill by boycotting campaign contributions before the national elections," the Los Angeles Times reports. "A year later, Starbucks issued a new line of merchandise to raise money for its Create Jobs for USA fund."

In a more recent incident, Starbucks was caught in the media of gun rights enthusiasts and gun control advocates.

In August, a 'Starbucks Appreciation Day' was held for people carrying legal concealed weapons. It caused outrage amongst Newton, Conn. residents who are still morning the loss of the 26 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims.

When the coffee company caught wind that gun control advocates would show up to the Newtown chain, Starbucks decided it would be best for all parties to shut down the store early out of respect for the town and the victims' loved ones.

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